
Bukkatalgen gets its name from an old fairy tale that explains why the rocky slope along the shoreline here is completely white. A cock, a pig and a billy goat were on a boat trip, but the boat capsized in a sudden gust of wind – and the billy-goat drowned and was washed ashore here. That is why the rocky slope – a quartz deposit – is entirely white. Bukkatalgen and its bright white colouring have long served as a landmark along the shipping lane, and is well known to seafarers. This spot gives you a view of the Leka Fjord at close proximity. They waymarked trail is suitable for use by electric wheelchairs. Follow the tractor road above the small farm at Våttvika.

Skeisnesset is a popular outdoor recreation area with many hiking trails. You experience a wide open heathland landscape with monumental burial mounds and magnificent views. Info signs along the way provide facts about local nature, cultural history, geology, Norse sagas and fairy tales.



2 km Tur/retur
10 - 30
